ESDfilms LLC is a professional photography and video content service dedicated to serve the needs of its clients. Our services range from both photography to and videography and professional prints. 
We are designed to serve you!
About the Founder
Hi! my name is Espirito Domingo and I'm a professional freelance photographer and Actor based in New York City
About the Photographer
One of New York City's top headshot photographers, ESDfilmsPhotography specializes in headshots for actors, executives and business professionals, and all artists types both professional or non-professional
We specialize in both in Studio and Outdoor Photography depending on your needs as our client
ESDfilmsPhotography also specializes in brand promotional photography, modeling photography and a range videography services

Espirito Domingo | Photographer
My experience as an actor has helped me understand actors and how to work with them on a personal level to bring the best out of them during sessions. My clients include actors, models, film directors, bloggers, animators, authors, filmmakers, musicians, entertainers, and many other talented professionals
In addition to my photography work, I also shoot interviews, short promotional videos, and events. My photos have been published in numerous magazines, featured on social media, and a few have received nominations
How I Work
In addition to taking photos, I’m also a trained professional actor. My experience on both sides of the camera over the course of my life-long acting career has allowed me to understand the nerves, the anxiety, and the pressure a headshot session or any other form of photo session can bring to the actor or the client. This is why one of my highest strengths as a successful photographer is my ability to make my clients feel at ease when they stand in front of the camera.
My top priority as a photographer is my client's comfort. When I’m coaching someone through their headshot session, I’m clear in my direction and I push hard to bring out the best of my clients. I keep both a strict persona but I'm also playful and comical when needed to remind my client that a photoshoot is "not that serious" and that "it's okay to have fun while you work." Nothing makes me happier as a photographer than a smile of the face of my client(s).
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